IV Sedation Therapy Option

Those dental patients who have high anxiety about procedures, who have ADHD, who can’t sit still for a long dental procedure, who are mentally unable to understand the procedure, or who simply don’t want to go through the experience have the option of IV sedation therapy. This is where the dental staff uses an IV line to introduce sedative medications into your bloodstream rather than with pills or by breathing nitrous oxide.

Close Monitoring

Using IV sedation therapy requires staff and the dentist to monitor all of your vitals including your heart rate, oxygen levels, and blood pressure during the surgery or procedure. They can adjust your dosage to keep you comfortable and even reverse the effects if you don’t respond well.

IV Sedation Therapy Isn't Always Covered

Insurance companies have different rules about covering IV sedation therapy because there are other less expensive options available. However, it may be considered medically necessary for some with anxiety or other conditions that would make it impossible to do dental worth without it.

The Effects of IV Sedation Therapy

IV sedation therapy won’t put you completely asleep. It will make you drowsy and you could fall asleep off and on throughout the procedure. You will likely not have much memory of it if any at all. You are never unconscious.

Cautions Post Procedure

Those using IV sedation therapy will need someone to drive them home and may need more sleep when they get home. They will also need some nutritious food and water when they wake up. Patients who feel they or a family member may need IV sedation therapy can contact us or make a consultation appointment.

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