Going Digital with X-Rays

One of the best parts about dental exams today is digital X-rays. They offer faster, more accurate pictures of oral health to dentists and patients. That means less time waiting in a dental chair and better treatment options.
Digital X-Rays
Traditional X-Rays
The obvious difference between digital X-rays and traditional film X-rays is the time it takes for the results. With traditional X-rays, a patient would wait in the dental chair for 30 minutes or more while the film was developed and a dentist reviewed it. Digital X-rays are sent directly to a computer and a dentist reviews them with you in minutes.

Digital X-Rays Are Common Today

Using digital technology to create filmless X-rays was first developed in the 1980s. Today, it is common among many dental practitioners as it offers a convenient, less obtrusive, and effective way to get detailed information about a patient's teeth and gums.

Digital X-rays are far easier on patients than film X-rays because they are faster and more comfortable. Patients don't have to hold paper materials in their mouths for long periods with digital X-rays. Getting the procedure done happens much faster without as many retakes.

A Safer Procedure

Film X-rays have always been considered safe but digital X-rays use 80 percent less radiation while producing a higher quality of pictures. This improves safety for all, but especially for those needing frequent X-rays. We can show you how digital X-rays work and provide you with a full dental exam. Call or book an appointment today!

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