Root Canal Therapy Removes Infection

Root canals aren’t at the top of people’s list of desired dental procedures but root canal therapy is important to removing a serious infection and saving a tooth. Dentists are educated and skilled in this painless procedure that will leave you feeling much better.

What Bonding Can Do

Teeth roots, also called the pulp, can get infected. Common ways this occurs is with an untreated cavity growing to the root or a split tooth that allows bacteria to enter.

You may not notice all this happening until you experience severe tooth pain. Root canal therapy is the only way to completely remedy this.

Root Canals Therapy Isn't Painful

Many think getting a root canal is painful but that is a myth. Your dentist will first put on a topical anesthetic to numb the gum and then will inject a local anesthetic to numb the area they will be working.

All you will feel is pressure. You may have some slight to moderate pain later after the medication wears off but that can be treated with common pain relievers.

The Root Canal Procedure

Step 1

Once the area is numbed, the dentist will drill into the tooth to remove the infected pulp. They use small, thin instruments to do this.

Step 2

The dentist will then clean the root canal and fill it with a synthetic filler to prevent bacteria from refilling it.

Step 3

The final steps in a root canal are inserting a filling and sealing the tooth so no bacteria can re-enter. You will likely need a crown to protect the tooth. The dentist can put a temporary one on while your custom one is made or you can get your permanent crown the same day if the office has an on-site lab to make it. Come in for an exam and cleaning so you can avoid a root canal! Call or book now!

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